... this is a time to birth a new culture of how we live and interact with each other.
I believe that we are free individuals and that every person has the power and the right to live their greatest potential.
Work With Matheo- I believe that your truth can only be found when you are connected to your infinite intelligence and have the courage to speak truthfully no matter what.
- Nobody has the right nor the power to interfere and affect your free will, and so neither do you have the power or right to interfere with the will of others.
- You have the power to make choices and take actions in alignment with your thoughts. Choose your thoughts and deeds wisely such that they serve your chosen path.
- I believe that our next level of evolution requires fair exchange, respect of and co-operation with all of humanity.
- I am not bound by religious, political or philosophical ideologies and I recognize that there is a god inside all of us.
- My values are that of speaking truthfully, living my calling, loyalty, high standards and accountability.
- I stand for people being expressive, being themselves, not hiding, not shying away and truly leading extraordinary lives.
- Extraordinary means that you are not an unaware meat suit roaming the world pleasing your senses, You are an elite human being, living and striving to serve others by bringing your highest values to the world and truly embarking on empowering yourself holistically.
- I am here to remind you that you are here to serve humanity through bringing your unique personality, ambitions, desires, gifts and talents to the world.
- I believe that through constant self-awareness, self-knowing, focus, speaking truthfully, understanding the laws that govern our mind, body and soul and persistant work whilst living your values that you will find fulfilment in your life.
- I believe that when we are connected to our deepest truth we meet with god and that our purpose on this planet is to live and express our unique talents and skills.
- I believe that life is about serving others so that they find fulfilment and as a fair exchange we are fulfilled by our service.
- I believe that we are here to experience the various facets of life so that we can expand our souls.
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Work With Matheo

The know yourself teachings are the foundations of my work which is a synthesis of the teachings of some of the greatest minds that have ever existed in a self-paced course.

Join my private mentoring program where I personally support you to transform some of the biggest hindrances that keep you from living the life you truly desire.

For those who have completed other programs and are ready to go deeper, I provide 1-on-1 coaching so you can enter your next evolved state with guidance and ease.